Treatment for Veins and Telangiectasias

The new gold standard for the treatment of veins. Telangiectasias. Visible veins are a common problem for many women who have sought a simple and immediate solution to remove these unsightly veins. Vein surgery can leave scars, putting patients at risk of infection and unsightly results and involves long recovery.

Sclerotherapy and pulsed light treatments have been less effective in removing these small spider veins (less than 0.3 mm in diameter) and have many limitations such as dressings or treatment afterward.

With PhysioSKIN™ System, you can turn radio frequency energy to a non-invasive alternative to treat spider veins and Telangiectasias without incisions and with minimal discomfort and no downtime.

With PhysioSKIN™ System, you can turn radio frequency energy to a non-invasive alternative to treat spider veins and Telangiectasias without incisions and with minimal discomfort and no downtime.

PhysioSKIN™ System allows treatment of larger veins and smaller veins that cannot be treated with sclerotherapy. You can also treat vessels on areas such as ankles and face where sclerotherapy cannot be done safely. Unlike other therapies, PhysioSKIN™ has no side effects such as hyper/ hypo-pigmentation or scars.

In contrast to laser therapy, a treatment with the PhysioSKIN™ shows effective results in the first treatment session and can be administered on all skin types. A PhysioSKIN™ treatment takes 15 to 20 minutes in which 30 to 40 inches of veins can be treated at once without limitations after treatment.

Benefits For Patients

  • Very tolerable treatment for the patient due   to the 27.12 MHz
  • No compression stockings or bandages.
  • Immediate results.
  • No limitation of time for sun exposure.
  • Can be used on any skin type.
  • No allergic reaction or side effects
  • No risk of hyper-pigmentation
  • No necrosis, burns or scars.

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Thread Vein Removal (Face and body)
Facial thread veins, also known as spider veins, are thin, red veins that can appear all over the body. Thread veins most commonly appear on the face, around the nose and the cheeks. For many people, thread veins can be embarrassing and unsightly.

What Causes Thread Veins?
Thread veins are caused when small blood vessels called capillaries become permanently dilated and rupture. As a result, blood is spread to other capillaries and leaves spider web shaped veins across the face.

Thread veins affect 55 per cent of adults, the majority of whom are women. The veins may appear during pregnancy because of increased blood flow and fluctuating hormone levels, or as a consequence of natural changes in the menstrual cycle. Jobs that involved long periods of standing or outdoor work with regular exposure to the sun or cold weather may also cause spider veins to appear.