Chemical peels are generally used to assist skin cell exfoliation and resurfacing, offering benefits at all levels of the skin and therefore useful to treat many different skin conditions.
There are various peeling solutions, which may be used for different purposes, and we will advise the best course of treatment for your skin type.
Chemical peels may be useful in the treatment of various skin conditions such as:
- Acne and Acne scarring
- Melasma
- Sun Damage and Ageing concerns
- Bodily Scars, Stretch Marks and Hyperpigmentation
If you have a history of poor skin healing and keloid scarring you may not be suitable for a peel, especially a stronger, deeper peel where scarring is a risk. If you have any type of infection on your face you may be best advised to wait until it clears up before having a peel. People with dark skin types such as Asian or Afro-Caribbean skin are more at risk from hypopigmentation (loss of pigmentation in the skin) following a peel and may not be suitable for medium or deep peels.
Refrain from these activities within 5-7 days prior to your treatment:
- Do not have another treatment, unless recommended. Avoid any irritants to your skin, including retinoids and retinol, glycolic and salicylic acids, benzoyl peroxide, astringents and Vitamin C.
- Do not wax, tweeze or use depilatory creams.
- Do not tan.
- No Botox, collagen, or other dermal filler injections for 1-2 weeks prior to a peel.
- Chemical peels cannot typically be applied to skin being treated with prescription drugs, especially Roaccutane.
The skin is thoroughly cleansed with an agent that removes excess oils and the eyes and hair are protected. One or more chemical solutions, such as glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid or carbolic acid (phenol), are applied to small areas on the skin. These applications produce a controlled wound, enabling new, regenerated skin to appear.
Immediately following peel take extra precaution to guard against exposure to sun. This means 30 SPF.
- First night, do not wash face at all.
- Pat skin dry/do not rub.
- DO NOT PICK OR PULL THE SKIN, as scarring and hyperpigmentation (brown spots) can occur.
- It is safe to wear makeup the same day depending on the level of peel.
- Avoid strenuous exercise.
- Do not have any other facial treatments/procedures for at least one week after peel or until flaking stops.
NOTE: Everyone will not experience peeling of their facial skin. However, this is not an indication that the peel was ineffective. If peeling does not occur please know that you are still receiving all the benefits of the peel, such as: stimulation of collagen production, improvement of skin tone and texture, and diminished fine lines and pigmentation.
At Rejuvenation MediSpa, your well-being is our main priority, especially when it comes to the results of your treatment.
We understand that even the smallest change can make a big difference to the way you feel & it is therefore important to know you can rely on every detail being taken into account. This is why we are here to listen to your needs, advise and support you every step of the way.