Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), also known as medical skin needling or micro-needling, is a new minimally-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment designed to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as scars on the face and body. The treatment uses tiny needles or micro-needles on a medical-grade roller or the EDS electric needling device which is moved over the skin to create tiny, evenly-spaced puncture wounds on the skin. This process stimulates the body’s natural collagen production by generating a wound healing response.
What is eDs™ skin Rejuvenation?
NEW and from the home of multi-gold award winning Genuine Dermaroller™, eDS™ Skin Rejuvenation takes medical aesthetic skin-needling electric. Using the eDermastamp™ (eDS™) German engineered and manufactured medical device, it enables practitioners to provide; even more intensive, even more controllable and even more comfortable medical skin-needling procedures. Stimulating the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally and safely, creating smoother, brighter, younger, healthier-looking skin. The eDS™ skin-needle device combines advanced German medical device electrical mechanisms with Medizinisch-Nadel-Technik™ German medical skin-needle technology, a great combination.
Who should have eDs™ skin Rejuvenation and When?
eDS™ Skin Rejuvenation using the eDermastamp™ medical device can significantly improve the appearance of and treat:
- Acne scars
- Sun damaged and ageing skin
- Facial and décolleté lines and wrinkles
- Stretchmarks
Suitable for all skin types and with minimal downtime following treatment, eDS™ Skin Rejuvenation is ideal for patients in need of skin rejuvenation and scar repair.
The number of treatments needed will vary depending on the skin complaint being addressed, however eDS™ Skin Rejuvenation would normally consist of three procedures with approximately six weeks between them.
How Does eDs™ skin Rejuvenation Work?
Using the eDermastamp™medical device, thousands of micro-medical needle-columns are produced in the skin. The columns will close rapidly enabling the skin to recover quickly, often in the same day. The medical skin-needles physically stimulate keratinocytes, fibroblasts and other skin cells to produce a cascade of mediators and growth factors that stimulate fibroblasts to produce collagen and regeneration of the dermis. The depth of needle penetration and the needle speeds can be changed and adapted during a treatment giving the practitioner high level control based on thearea being treated and the treatment response.
As long as you are generally healthy and don’t have any active skin diseases or infections in the area treated, there are few medical reasons why you should not undergo this treatment.
Tell us if you have a history of conditions such as cold sores.
Pregnant and breast feeding women, although not contra-indicated for treatment, you may be advised to wait before commencing treatment.
We use the medical device to produce thousands of micro-medical needle-columns in the skin. Each column will penetrate into the dermis of the skin and will be approximately 0.1mm in width. The columns will stimulate the skin to regenerate and repair itself while closing rapidly enabling the skin to recover quickly.
Immediately after your eDSTM Skin Rejuvenation procedure you will look as though you have moderate sunburn and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. This will start to subside after one to two hours and will normally recover within the same day with only slight redness the following day. We apply a post procedure recovery cream after your treatment to help soothe and calm the skin. Once the redness has cleared it is important that the skin is cared for on an ongoing daily basis with an effective anti-ageing regime. Application of high level sun protection is recommended after the procedure.
At Rejuvenation MediSpa, your well-being is our main priority, especially when it comes to the results of your treatment.
We understand that even the smallest change can make a big difference to the way you feel & it is therefore important to know you can rely on every detail being taken into account. This is why we are here to listen to your needs, advise and support you every step of the way.