EndyMed 3DEEP™ uses the latest radio frequency technology to provide effective, professional non-surgical skin treatments. The state-of-the-art, 3DEEP™ technology uses multi-source, phase-controlled radio frequency energy that is a safe and effective giving natural, long-lasting results in rejuvenation.
The two distinct procedures have been clinically proven to be effective at treating signs of photo damage and ageing.
EndyMed Tightening and Contouring improves the appearance of lax, sagging skin and fine lines and wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté. The treatment is also clinically proven to give excellent results in body contouring and circumference reduction.
EndyMed Fractional Skin Resurfacing rejuvenates skin from the outside in, improving texture, tone and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Although you may need a topical anaesthetic for some of the treatments, they are safe for all skin types, comfortable and require the minimum of recovery time.
The Treatments
Endymed™3DEEP® Skin Tightening and Contouring
EndyMed™3DEEP® uses state of the art technology to deliver a controlled, focused radiofrequency into your skin to stimulate your skin cells and encourage new collagen production, improving the underlying structures of your skin, causing it to tighten and lift.
Endymed™3DEEP® Fractional Skin Resurfacing
Endymed 3DEEP Fractional Skin Resurfacing is a non-surgical treatment designed to dramatically improve texture, tone, fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating your skin’s natural processes.
This procedure can treat many areas of the body. It’s also suitable for many different people, as long as they can benefit from firmer skin, less visible wrinkles and smoother skin tone. Endymed 3Deep can help to correct mild skin laxity that is caused by normal aging processes like sun exposure, weight fluctuations, and more.
The procedure works by stimulating your own body’s collagen renewal process, using RF (radio frequency) technology that penetrates and heats deep beneath your skin.
At the beginning of your 30-40 minute treatment, the targeted areas are cleaned. They are then treated with a special hand piece that gradually heats your skin and deeper layers of tissue. The temperature of your outer skin layers will be monitored and should not feel hotter than a typical hot shower.
After your EndyMed 3Deep procedure, you may experience some short-term redness of the treatment area. You should be able to resume your regular routine immediately with no further post-operative effects.
Benefits can be seen the same day, but may continue as collagen growth is stimulated during the weeks that follow. We may recommend follow-up treatments to achieve your specific goals. With six treatments at one to two week intervals, you should see a gradual improvement of your skin tone and appearance. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the benefits of your EndyMed 3Deep treatment should be long lasting.
To learn more about radio frequency technology and the EndyMed 3Deep treatment please contact us to inquire about an appointment.
Recommendations for good post-treatment follow-up :
✓ During the week after treatment, do not undergo any dental surgery, and avoid facial and beauty treatments.
✓ Avoid all contact sports for the first few weeks.
✓ Preferably sleep on your back.
✓ In the event of pain, take a pain reliever according to your doctor’s prescription.
EXAMPLES OF EndyMed 3Deep Results
At Rejuvenation MediSpa, your well-being is our main priority, especially when it comes to the results of your treatment.
We understand that even the smallest change can make a big difference to the way you feel & it is therefore important to know you can rely on every detail being taken into account. This is why we are here to listen to your needs, advise and support you every step of the way.